
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Autodesk 123D Catch

I finally created a 3D model using Autodesk’s 123D Catch software. It was trial and error at first when taking the photos. There was too much white and reflections on the object and the lens. I was sitting at my desk looking over at a post hanging on the wall. While looking at it, I wondered if it would make for a good 123D Catch background. I asked a co-worked to help with the project.

1.   Find a good background to take the photos. This will allow the software to do a better job at stitching the photos.
2.     Take a few dozen photos on the upper, strait on and lower areas of a person’s head.

3.       Make sure to overlap the photos as shown in the image below.
4.       Copy the photos to the project folder.

5.       Launch the Autodesk 123D Catch Software.

6.       Click Create a new Photo Scene.

7.       Select the photos in the project folder.

8.       Click Compute Photo Scene. (If you need to add additional photos, click Add More Images.)
9.       Type your email and a Project Scene Name or leave the name default then click Wait. If the scene is large and are not able to wait, click Email Me. The software will send an email when the process is complete.

10.   If this is your first time using the software, you’ll need to agree to the Terms of Services.

11.   The images are uploaded to Autodesk’s servers to process the model.
12.   The scene has finished processing.

13.   Save the scene to the project folder.

14.   Clean up the areas as needed using the toolbar at the top.

15.   The Toolbar contains tools such as:

a.       Rectangular Selection

b.      Lasso Selection

c.       Pan

d.      Dolly

e.      Orbit

f.        Photo Lock

g.       Export Video

h.      Send the Photoscene by email.

i.         Export to Youtube.

j.        Creation Tools

k.       Synchronize Scene with Server.

l.         Generate Mesh

m.    Display Settings


16.   The scene can be exported to other software formats such as Autodesk Drawing (dwg),  Autodesk FBX (fbx), RZI (rzi), OBJ (obj), IMP (imp), LAS (las).

17.   I created a YouTube video of the scene.